Scientist Linnaeus - the decoder of nature
Carl von Linné -hay Linnaeus - is a great Swedish doctor and botanist. Considered Darwin's most important predecessor, he is best known for his work Systema naturae, a system for classifying plants, animals and minerals. This year round 300 years he was born. Carl Linnaeus was born on May 23, 1707, in a small village called Råshult in southern Sweden. His father, Nils Linnaeus was a pastor. It was his father who instilled in him the love for plants. Legend has it that young Carl had a love for plants and flowers from the womb, because his mother during pregnancy often watched the strange and wonderful flowers in her husband's flower garden. Carl wrote of himself poetically at birth: "Only when spring is at its cutest weather and the crowing of the crow signals the coming of summer" - that is May. In the past, Carl's cradle was made of beautiful flowers with a sweet scent.